Nocturne in C# minor, F. Chopin
Taken from a live and streaming concert…
Reflections and Activities
In view of the beginning of a new year, I decided to write a few lines and make them public as a reflection of these last two years of sound activities…
Improvisation 145
Improvisation 145, last piece from…
Beethoven, “Tempest” Sonata, 1st movement
Taken from the first concert…
Cycle “Piano de Ayer y Piano de Hoy”, from November 2021 to April 2022
“Piano de Ayer y Piano de Hoy” began this past Monday sponsored by MICA…
Live Recording Micro Piezas en Forma de Variación
“Micro Piezas en Forma de Variación” is a piece for piano inspired upon images from the jewish holocaust…
New video: Improvisation 142
Among the series of improvisations I´ve been developing more than two decades from now…